Search Results

There are 18 item(s) tagged with the keyword "political prisoners".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 18

1. A Psychiatric Punishment

Individuals involved in political cases are now five times more likely to be sent to psychiatric hospitals for compulsory treatment.

Tags: statistics, russia file, government, political prisoners, dissent
2. One Flower For Every Month In Prison

Kevin Lik, an outstanding high schooler from Adygea, was convicted of espionage. His mother tells his story.

Tags: children, political prisoners, education, emigration, espionage
3. A Magazine for Prisoners

A Russian IT specialist publishes a magazine for political prisoners.

Tags: russia file, dissent, war, political prisoners
4. Thousands Turn Out for Navalny's Funeral

Thousands of Russians took to the streets for the funeral services of Alexei Navalny. 

Tags: memorials, repression, political prisoners, navalny
5. Words from Behind the Glass Box

A playwright and a theater director were arrested for a play criticizing ISIS. After months in jail, they spoke from their defendants' glass box.

Tags: dissent, women, art, theater, political prisoners
6. A Mathematician in Prison. Again

Political prisoner Azat Miftakhov was arrested on charges of "justifying terrorism" immediately after being freed.

Tags: dissent, russia file, science, political prisoners
7. Flowers and Handcuffs for Navalny

As Russia and the world laid flowers to commemorate Alexey Navalny, mourners were arrested at home and abroad.

Tags: memorials, death, dissent, political prisoners, navalny
8. Sudden Death

Alexei Navalny’s death was entirely expected, and completely unacceptable.

Tags: political prisoners, dissent, navalny
9. A Criminal Doll

An artist was arrested while fleeing to Kazakhstan for the use of prison tattoos in his artwork.

Tags: Krasnoyarsk, political prisoners, tattoo, art, dissent
10. Aiding Vegan Detainees

A nonprofit is assisting vegan political detainees by offering animal-product-free provisions.

Tags: political prisoners, russia file, vegans, dissent

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 18

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